Track by track!
Title: Reality Therapy
Kind of speaks for itself... but if you're thick like me... It's us getting through difficult life situations through music. Easy.
1. Caravan on the Moon
This song is about getting all these negative thoughts about a moment and a person and just letting it drift away. Specifically the person and moment in this track was an old pal of the bands who betrayed us. We once asked him/her if she/he would be able to give us some information on how human life would venture into space. He/she spoke of space caravans. That was a long time ago.
Pushing these negative moments away is not an easy task... hence the almost suffocation.
2. Living all at Once
This song is about long distance relationships and how the modern day has both helped create them and destroy them. Created with internet and metal birds and destroyed by being out of reach. I don't usually go on about my personal life so I won't start now. Living all at Once is also a reference to growing up.
3. Soul to a Brick Wall
Not understanding your other half. Trying to read minds! I went out with a human once, different species so it was a bit weird. Totally different thought processes. She wanted this, I wanted that. We got on well, and she was a looker' but somethin didn't click. Or did it? I dunno.
4. Coin/ Toss
There was this missus I was with once ya know. She never made any decisions, never got off her bum and never told me how she felt. But I'm just such a nice calm bloke of a dog that I could not get upset. Not out loud anyways. So that's wa' this songs bout ya dig?
5. Take Aways
Mostly the vocals in this track were improvised but it had something to do with going to a wedding. Having a great selection of food and buying your loved one a chicken burger (UNLESS SHE/HE IS A VEGETARIAN OR ACTUALLY A CHICKEN (AWKWARD)). So yeah. I love the end of this bleh.
6. Bottle of a Friend
Could be about being an alcoholic... but it's not! It's actually about looking at statues in the rain to cheer myself up. I do tend to do that often. But I get upset when they can't respond to me.. they're stone ya see. So bottle of a friend just kinda came from the idea that the statues are closed in and unresponsive. But at least seeing them is calming. Enough about statues.
7. Space Emo
This is quite an optimistic song despite the title. The lyrics kind of ask firstly, does protesting work? The question is never answered... but the idea is that the voice is feeling negative at a protest and in various other day to day situations. So the voice is waiting for someone to come along and be a friend for all these times the voice is troubled.
Though the lyrics are real vague on this one dudes
8. Moan Moan Moan
It's a bit sad really. These lyrics are about giving up on love and life and believing the universe is in control. Packing up and jumping into the wind. I suppose there could be some hope in there but I doubt it....
9. Daffodil
Yeah this one is quite similar to Coin/Toss in meaning but it's also about a game I played called To the Moon which was awesome. The brick wall thing seems to be a reoccurring theme...
10. World Tear Us Apart
A slower version of the Barbie/ Ken song innit.Another reoccurring theme here, long distance. Difference is, this song is very very very VERY optimistic. After a rocky start there is big hope in the heart.
11. The Individual
We wrote this track after watching Brian Cox's Human Universe Series. The General took a very spacey sound inspiration from it. Personally, I took something quite different. I was, once again relating it to myself and my relationships. For one, how insignificant and how amazing life is. Time to actually stop watching television and enjoy the world. Love the world and love the people in it. Unfortunately not everyone is like that. In the song I sing about appreciating our species as an amazing coincidence. It was a great stroke of luck we managed to gain the kind of brain powers we needed to evolve like we have. Brilliant. So love one another.
12. Anthem for Rejects
Pretty clear from the title. Rejects belong together but they can't be together because they're rejects.
13. The Lonely Song
This song is about losing contact with a loved one, whether friend or sumthin else. As well as just generally listening to your own heart beat and wondering if you should eat some more Maltesers and go to sleep.
14. James Bralant you're OK
No real lyrical meaning. It's sound clips taken from a youtube video. We made it for a pal of ours so it remains to be important on the album.
15. Pyramid Games
This our favourite track at the moment I think. It's about being in a relationship with someone that can't find their mature nature. They're stuck playing games forever more. The pyramids are a reference to when I used to play as a pup and my love of Egypt. The thunder cutting through the play is like when LIFE interrupts play. Sometimes you have to face it and talk. If you don't.. well no progress is made and you can never play happily again.
16. Swap Meet Sound
It's about experiencing change and living somewhere else. I put the relation between not understanding people speaking a different language and that feeling of a full understanding between two people. Because interests are so similar everyone else's speaking just sounds like mumbles.
17. Come and Go
Similar to the first track (Caravan on the moon), in that it's talking about old friends of ours. Some of which did not betray, but just decided to disapear. Where are we left after that? Feeling dizzy, again.
These two I'd prefer not to talk about! Ta ra for now.
18. Death of a Lyricist
19. M.D.I
- Pupendai
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