Our newest album is No Birds but you can listen to a collection of our best 'modern' stuff here

Monday, 20 February 2012

One Down (Demo)

Ekalopse have released a new demo track for your frightened ears!

It is called One Down.

Pupendai: "Yeah its a'bout like, another year passing like. Us getting older and there being nothing we can do bout it. Its still in demo stages and like, we got a broken microphone so .. yeah. Got a nice theme, hopefully that'll come in the finished song."

The General: "I always love the mixture of acoustic and electronic, listeners may have noticed that. Well here is another taster, taking sounds from 'Buzzdrop', a bit of piano, organ, synth and a bit of brass! Why not stick them all together?"

Pupendai: "Might have been better to make something that sounded a bit more commerical?"

The General: "No."

Pupendai: "This was just us, casually chilling actually. We just played with what we had in the recording studio. We dint like JUMP at it knowing what we were gunna do like, it was totally just like smooth."

The General: "It was, Pupendai playing the keyboard pretty crazy on this one, and I was stabbing those sounds in. The electronic sounds actually smashed a window. But that's another story. It is nice to be back with my old friend."

Pupendai: "WHY are you back? Your jazz career went amazing?"

The General: "I love Jazz, but I also love Ghostpop. Something, we made."

Pupendai: *Cough* And Mr. Bindy but he is dead.

The General: "Yes."

One Down (x4)

Fierce marking with licence
Taking my time
Fears growing and growling
Impatience, in rhyme
You can't just call up, sit next to me
We can all grow up
and age seems to be
a curse

One Down (x6)

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