Yo guys, it's me, Pupendai. Just letting you know Xtric Plugbeat Records are releasing our scrambled egg music as a side download. It's all the rubbish that we decided not to put on Panic caus it sucked ya'know? Anyway thats whats going on at the minute. I not doing much else, Xtric seem to be trying to cash in on us ya know. No gigs coming up but we'll let you know like.
The General's been on me toes again saying i should get back into the music but like, without him it aint music, its just my moany voice and a keyboard like ya'know?
Hope'n The General will come round for a traditional jam, fame went to our heads and stuff so looking forward to a 'good old days' session. Shame Bindy wont be there but ya know, what ever.
Ghostin' lads
- Pupendai
PS: Heres the pic, The General was busy doin his solo jazz album or whatever but i was free for a pic so Xtric used my beauty for the cover like heh! Naw man just kidding. I'm a ugly f


Hey guys it is The General!
Just got the email about Panic Sides going up! Thought i'd let you know about it. A special song for me on it is Vu Ja day, which was our first and only attempt at a rap track. But unfortunately the rap fell flat when the artists just were not as interested as us!
A bitta rock rap anyway.
Got King Arthur on there, an electronic song 90% by the talented Pupendai.

Shut up

It's alright, I threw in a bounding beat, really made it alive I think. Did the same with the other tracks.

But ultimately all of the tracks on this record are terrible right?


What the hell Xtric Plugblips? Just caus we gave the people a few world hits... Pirates, Buzzdrop... Picnic.. Bulldozed.. whatever... you feel like you can use our scrap music to get in some more cash?? Fans! Don't buy it.. urggg

Its Xtric Plugkits, Pupendai

Whatever man, you're the agent here.

Anyway, readers of the world. This is our new blog, so come and check it out. We'll be updating as often as we.. need to.. about past, present and future work of ours and what our collaborators are up to!
Have a nice day folks!

Flippin morons
. Yo, heres the track list.
1. Outside the Palace
2. King Arthur
3. Sunny Dress (Bubble Horns)
4. Vu Ja Day
5. Unlistenable Grim Reaper
6. Outside the Palace part 2
7. King Arthur (Original)
- Ekalopse
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