Our newest album is No Birds but you can listen to a collection of our best 'modern' stuff here

Saturday, 11 April 2015

New Album cover for Ekapops designed by BANKSY himself!

-----------------------------Listen now HERE---------------------------

Friday, 10 April 2015

YOYOYO Eka-pops: The Ghostpop Collection Official Release

You can now listen our new album!

This collection has (23) songs from the past and present (And some would argue, the future). 

Some of them were recorded in a scrappy studio, some were recorded in space. I don't think any of them were recorded in a prison but...anyway. This is basically all of our favourite tracks from most of our albums.
I know you'll have some faves and you'll be really upset they don't appear well FEAR NOT. The Collection includes SEVEN songs you've probably never heard of anyway. Yes that is right! It's a best of with new tracks. Howdeedoodeee everyone go to the bathroom. 

The whole thing is 1 hour 12 minutes and 36 seconds. If you ask me, that is way too long to be listening to this rubbish. But whatever. I wanted to make a note here, a sad note. In 2thousand and something we did officially retire. It was a bit of a lie of course. But this time I do believe this is it. Not for any big reason, just The General has taken his own path now back into the Jazz world, while I'm working in a shop that sells musical fridges.

Since Ekalopse came to be we've produce about 134 songs. (We counted). That's pretty crazy. That's not even including the tracks we worked on with Mr. Bindy, RIP (50) So bringing this down to 23 was.. i guess hard. Though most of our music is terrible so maybe it was not. Our first song and big hit across the globe was 'Ekalopse can't make music'. Since then we've gone from strength to strength producing even more terrible music for your ears. Tracklist and art below.

Click the cover to listen/download

Cya ghostys 
- Pupendai 

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Ekalopse making new songs? JUST STOP YOU IDIOTS - NME Magazine

We thought we might list the new tracks we've released and have been working on recently. 1. Swap Meet Sound 2. Easy Street 3. World Tear us Apart (Feat. Kyle Wright) 4. Living all at once (Not yet released) 5. Kings and Tents 6. Come and Go You can find most of these tracks online NOW!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Kings & Tents

While the Ekapops Collection is being finalised with a new track titled 'Living all at once' you can now listen to a new demo Ekalopse produced in one minute (Which is unbelievable unconcidering it's over 2 minutes!) called 'Kings & Tents'. They are currently unsure whether they will work further on the track.