Hey guys, its me, Pupendai!
It has recently come to my attention that not only does our contract with Xtric come to an end in April this year, but also The General will be moving to New York, in April. It turns out I was meant to already know all of this and I should have thought about where I am going to live.
So last year we retired, but our contract was never stopped. So we had the opportunity, when we met Mop(RIP), to release some new music.
It kind of looks like 'At Our Criminal Worst' was possibly our last album, ever. And FUNeral may possibly be our last jam recorded track.
The General is already packing, his plane ticket is already bought. It is weird, it is going to be like I'm losing a friend. Well I am losing a friend, but more than a friend. We've known each other for so long. He even forgave be for murdering Mr. Bindy. THAT is a good friend.
He is my music number 2, part two of the Ekalopse crew. He says I should come with him, but I could never afford such a thing, and what would I do there? I don't think busking will help in New York, I don't think they like Ghostpop, or Badpop as they said last time we were on tour there.
If there are any fans out there with any room in their houses for a small pink dog that smokes please let me know! I will stay with you, I can pay you in vocals and keys.
So as this is almost the end..... of Ekalopse. Honest this time. I want to mention of my favourite albums and tracks.
We've been a band for over 6 years. 5 albums and one EP, 68 album tracks and over 30 B-sides.
Starting at the beginning with album
Fruit Encyklopedia: Old Realm was a good song, it was the first time we'd gotten in a guest vocalist. An exciting prospect and excited us to do more. Most of the other songs are terrible though and a waste of space. Although it is remembered for its Mr. Bindy vocals and music.
Then it was
July: This album, I still like to this day. It is not EPIC, or well structured, the vocals are terrible and so is the music. But it is so simple, i just a punch of beeps and bobs. Blimp was a good track on that one.
The next was
Radio Rodent: To this day I don't know why we've never been able to do any 'EPIC' songs like these. The General was at his best but unfortunately I was not, lets just say running from monsters made my voice all terrible. Highlight tracks, Disaster City, Radio Rodent, Comrades, Airline, Rodent saved the Day and The War is Over.
Ghosts and Gold was next and it was a FLOP. We went out of our way to get hundreds of guest vocalists to perform on our songs after we realised I could not sing. Pirates was a hit success and was what sold the album, but after that it was just complaints. Though I agree it is terrible I still enjoy Bulldozed, Care and Pepper's Ghost.
Too Dumb to Panic was our biggest hit yet. Hopefully for a good reason as well. People loved loads of songs and liked the direction we had gone in, becoming more structured and putting a bit more effort into the tracks atmospheres. I'm going to say Magic you water me as a highlight.
Finally it was
At Our Criminal Worst. So this one did not hit it that big, mainly because it was only 4 songs. But with this EP I decided to come back as focus vocalist, you won't find anyone else on it. This probably scared a few people away. Anyway, apart from my love for Dumb to Panic I think Criminal is my fave, with highlight being my favourite song we've done, WINGS.
There are lots of jamming bsides we have performed but none are really worth mentioning, well maybe /Outside the Palace Part 2, Universal Monsters and Unlistenable Grim Reaper.
We also hope you enjoyed FUNeral
You can find our music archive here :)
- PupendaiGhostin
We did make this song after i wrote this article!